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Shenzhen Sunrise New Energy Co., Ltd. (stock code: 002256) was founded in December 1995 and listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in June 2008. The company is a scientific research and development, production and manufacturing, marketing and value-added services in one, to fine chemicals, new energy and other high-tech industries as the entity to rely on, dedicated to low-carbon environmental protection, energy conservation, clean energy development of state-level high-tech enterprises. The company has won nearly 100 national, provincial and municipal honors, including"Top 500 enterprises in Guangdong Province, Top 100 Innovative Enterprises in Shenzhen City, leading private enterprises in Shenzhen City, top 10 Growth Star Enterprises in Shenzhen City, Top 100 small and medium-sized enterprises in independent innovation in Shenzhen City, well-known trademarks in China, top 10 outstanding independent brands in Guangdong Province, enterprises in independent innovation products in Shenzhen City, Top 50 listed companies in the third China Small and medium-sized board". 

At present, the company has new energy, fine chemical business plate two. The company's new energy business is mainly about the investment and operation of new energy photovoltaic power plants, involving the assets investment, trading, EPC construction, intelligent operation and maintenance, module manufacturing, etc. The fine chemical business mainly includes the production and sale of environmental protection functional coatings and accessories, environmental protection household products, environmental protection and energy-saving vehicle care products and related aerosol products, products are widely used in industry, automobile maintenance, home and personal care and other fields, in addition to concrete water reducer and fine chemical intermediates and other related environmental products.

In 2014, our company began to enter the field of new energy applications, using distributed photovoltaic power generation as an entry point for the investment, development, construction, operation and management of photovoltaics power plants, building a new energy operation ecosystem. At present, the company's new energy business mainly involves photovoltaics power generation, which is sold through photovoltaic power plants or distributed generation systems, investment and operation of photovoltaic power plants through a combination of acquisition, self-development and construction, and sale and lease-back, business involves power plant assets investment, trading, EPC construction, intelligent operation and maintenance, component manufacturing and other industry chain segments.

Our company is one of the first companies in China to produce and sell fine chemical aerosol, and has leading advantages in both brand and technology, over the years, the company's aerosol paint products have been in the leading position in the sub-industry, the industry's“Leader” enterprises. The company in 2008 to environmental-friendly fine chemical aerosol, car beauty, environmental protection coatings and other core products, to the industry“Little Giant” performance listed in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Small and medium-sized board. The company adheres to the value idea of“Harmony between people and environment is more important than anything else”, and insists on the development strategy of low-carbon, environmental protection and energy saving. The company's environmental protection aerosol paint products were evaluated by the state economic and trade commission as“National Key New Products”, by the national building materials quality supervision center as“Famous brand products”; The company's leading product trademark“7CF” was rated as“China's well-known trademark”, “Guangdong province's well-known trademark” and“Shenzhen's well-known brand”, another important brand“Keli beauty” was named“Guangdong famous trademark”.

Relying on the excellent r & D Team and the R & D platform of Shenzhen Enterprise Technology Center, the company constantly innovates independently, he has undertaken more than 20 national, provincial and municipal torch plans, key new product development, high-tech industrialization demonstration projects and science and technology projects, and achieved more than 40 technological achievements, the company has applied for more than 60 patents and granted 46 patents, of which 25 are invention patents, is Shenzhen“Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise”; at the same time, the company actively participated in the drafting of national and industrial standards and preparation, as the main drafting unit, participated in the drafting and revision of 3 national standards and 7 industry standards.

Companies adhere to the national priority to promote“Green development, circular development, low-carbon development” direction, riding the national strategy to promote new energy and green development of the East Wind, seize opportunities for industrial development, accelerating the upgrading of industrial structure, vigorously promoting technological innovation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, giving full play to the synergy between the company's two business sectors, practicing ESG concept, and promoting the company's sustainable development, strive to become one of the Green Low-carbon high-tech leading enterprises in our country.

7CF Culture

Material Resources will eventually be exhausted, only cultural Circle of Life. Hard strength, soft culture, both soft and hard can be invincible. Culture is the spiritual pillar, culture is the soul of the enterprise.

7CF information, a company publication founded in 1999, has been named"Excellent Journal of private enterprises in Guangdong" and"Excellent Journal of National Private Enterprises", and each issue of 30,000 copies of the volume of China's paint and automotive supplies industry circulation of the largest internal magazine. In 2003, Mr. Chen Yongdi, chairman of the company edited the"Aerosol Safety Manual" issued worldwide. In 2008, the company compiled the Chinese auto beauty industry classic-"Auto beauty maintenance one-book" in the national distribution.

The purpose of 7CF's humanistic culture is to create the atmosphere of family affection, harmony and family-style enterprise culture. Around this purpose, the company actively carried out cultural forum, organized team activities, regular employee satisfaction survey, through the rich and colorful cultural activities to infiltrate in the daily work of employees in the enterprise culture gene to become a self-conscious integration of employees into the rainbow family of gravity and power.

Since the start-up, 7CF is holding high the flag of social responsibility, firmly fulfill the non-word contract signed with the community, leading the entire industry to a healthy, scientific and orderly direction. The company has donated more than 20 million yuan for the construction of Hope Primary School, the establishment of a poverty alleviation fund and disaster relief and other social welfare undertakings.


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