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Voices from Wanhua at the Two Sessions: NPC Representative Liao Zengtai Proposes Three Suggestions for Sustainable Development

On the morning of March 5th, the first session of the 14th National People's Congress was opened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Nearly 3,000 national representatives carry the heavy responsibilities of the people, focus on national development, and fulfill their sacred duties. Liao Zengtai, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Wanhua Chemical, witnessed this important moment at the Great Hall of the People as a representative of the 14th National People's Congress.

With a sense of mission and passion, Liao Zengtai integrates the original intention and mission of "chemistry making life better" into his work in this session of the conference, and proposed three suggestions focusing on national dual-carbon targets, healthy ecological environment, and social sustainable development.

Regulate and accelerate the development of the biodegradable plastics industry

Establish a whitelist for fully biodegradable plastics, improve the industry standard system, and standardize industry regulatory standards.

Suggest to comprehensively review, update, and develop relevant standards in accordance with the State Council's "Deepening the Reform of Standardization Work Plan", further improve the unified and standardized certification system for biodegradable plastic products, and promote the implementation of the new national standard GB/T 20197, and scientifically define the standard for degradability. It is recommended to establish a whitelist for fully biodegradable plastic pure resins, define the full biodegradation from the perspective of pure polymers, release and dynamically revise the list of polymers that can pass the full biodegradation standard test, and create a rapid detection method according to the material structure to identify the material type of spot-checking products, and standardize the supervision standard for biodegradable plastics. At the same time, increase the punishment for violations of production, sales and use of non-biodegradable materials, prevent secondary pollution and disruption of the biodegradable plastic market caused by fake-degradable materials, enable local governments and quality supervision units to quickly, efficiently, and reasonably identify and supervise the biodegradable product market, support and accelerate the implementation of the national plastic ban policy, and adhere to the bottom line of product quality, safety, and environmental protection of biodegradable plastic products.

Expand pilot areas and fields and strengthen the promotion of biodegradable materials.

Suggest to further expand the scope of the plastic ban pilot, and implement the prohibition of the use and sale of disposable non-biodegradable plastics in directly-controlled municipalities, provincial capitals, and first-tier cities nationwide, and extend the applicable scope from existing daily packaging such as shopping bags, roll bags, garbage bags, takeaway packaging, etc. to green packaging required in the e-commerce field (including bubble film, air cushion film, etc.), dust-proof packaging for electronics and home appliances, agricultural films and other products that are prone to plastic pollution, and suggest to develop related reasonable incentive measures such as tax reductions and exemptions to commend enterprises for the effectiveness of the plastic ban, encourage downstream to use more biodegradable plastics, promote green production, green benefits, and green development, and thus promote the rise of the green manufacturing and green service industries of plastic products and achieve obvious results in the treatment of white pollution.

Establish a sound system for the collection and disposal of biodegradable plastic waste, and encourage the construction of aerobic composting facilities to form a closed-loop life cycle management.

Suggest to support and encourage the construction of aerobic composting facilities in suitable areas in China, and vigorously promote the consumption and use of biodegradable film bag products. Suggest to introduce pilot composting stations for community kitchen waste treatment in key cities in China, to achieve on-site reduction of community kitchen waste and biodegradable garbage bags, and to help improve the harmless disposal of plastic waste in China.

Introduce policies to support the production of green electricity and green hydrogen

Hydrogen has the properties of clean and low-carbon attributes and potential for cross-domain applications, and is an important carrier for achieving green and low-carbon development in energy end-use. Accelerating the development of the green hydrogen energy industry is an important path to help China achieve its "dual-carbon" target. Since the development of wind power and photovoltaics is limited by the absorption capacity of the power grid, the implementation of electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen is an important way to accelerate the development of wind power and photovoltaics. However, the contradiction between the intermittent supply of wind and photoelectricity and the need for continuous operation of electrolytic water device is the main problem that restricts the development of green hydrogen. Meanwhile, in order to meet the economic need of continuous supply of green hydrogen, it is suggested that the state should introduce a power support policy for the development of green electricity to produce green hydrogen, and the wind power and photoelectricity should directly distribute the electricity for hydrogen production, and the power beyond the required for hydrogen production should be put on the grid as a priority, and the grid should be used as a supplement and regulation to realize the continuous production of green electricity. The continuous production of hydrogen can be complemented by green ammonia and green methanol for downstream use. The specific model is: the annual power generation capacity of green power is greater than or equal to the annual power demand of continuous electrolysis of water for hydrogen production. "When the power generation is lower than the power required for hydrogen production, the shortage will be replenished by the power grid, and the power grid company will charge an appropriate service fee. Of course, in practice, the number of power generation hours of scenery is small, and the electrolytic water hydrogen production has to run continuously, so we can consider reducing the load of hydrogen production device when wind and light do not generate power, so as to meet the requirements of the power grid and the continuous operation requirements of downstream hydrogen production device.

Promote the application of polyurethane new structural insulation integration construction system in the field of building energy efficiency

Building energy saving is a major trend of sustainable development of human society today, and the contribution of exterior walls to building energy saving is high. Polyurethane, as a thermosetting material, has become a mainstream insulation material in developed countries by virtue of its excellent insulation performance, fire resistance, durability, bonding, waterproof and breathable performance, and is also an irreplaceable insulation material in China's home appliances, cold storage, pipelines, aerospace and other fields. But in the past, polyurethane was restricted by the structure system in China, and it was not used in large quantities in China's building insulation. With the development of low-energy and ultra-low-energy buildings in China, the thickness of the insulation layer of both external insulation and sandwich insulation is increasing greatly, and the large thickness of the insulation system will aggravate the problem of shedding, fire risk and structural safety, and the building energy-saving industry has encountered the problem that it is difficult to balance insulation and safety, and even the ultra-low-energy projects in some places have been stagnant for quite a long time.

Wanhua Chemical, in cooperation with relevant research institutions and construction units, creatively poured polyurethane foam between the cavities of double-layer ACL (steam pressurized concrete slab) through perforation, relying on the superb bonding force of polyurethane foam, so that polyurethane and two layers of ALC slabs formed a complete thermal insulation wall, thus successfully creating a new generation of polyurethane structural and thermal insulation integrated construction system. At present, the system is successfully applied in the construction of Wanhua ultra-low energy consumption demonstration project, the main structure and insulation works of the project have been constructed, and the system has been evaluated by construction experts, who unanimously agreed that the system has the characteristics of equivalent A-grade fireproofing, high-efficiency insulation, lightweight wall, making up for the shortage of ALC board joints, better waterproofing and airtightness, improving the overall strength of ALC wall board, saving insulation area, etc. Moreover, the new insulation wall The construction cost is 30% lower than conventional polyurethane spray insulation, and also lower than conventional rock wool external insulation system, which is very suitable for promotion and application in all kinds of low-energy buildings.

Wanhua demonstration projects are all built in accordance with the national near-zero energy design, and the energy-saving rate of the building body reaches more than 90%, not only using polyurethane insulation envelope structure, but also the latest type of composite energy-saving windows with good heat insulation, fire resistance, low-carbon energy-saving, making full use of a variety of renewable energy, combining photovoltaic power generation, ground source heat pump and power generation glass, solar water heating can meet the entire community 30% energy consumption. Calculated after deducting the contribution of renewable energy, the project is expected to control the total annual electricity consumption per unit area within 50 degrees after operation, saving more than 60% compared with conventional building energy consumption, and is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 10,000 tons per year, while truly realizing constant temperature and humidity and oxygen in all seasons indoors, and greatly improving the comfort of living!

Therefore, it is recommended that the new structural polyurethane insulation integration system be incorporated into the relevant standards in the construction field, and be promoted and applied nationwide as soon as possible to promote the rapid development of China's building energy-saving industry.

Carrying public expectation and conveying industry voice. On the occasion of the two sessions, Wanhua Chemical puts forward the above sustainable development suggestions with green development as the center, and is willing to join hands with all walks of life to write new glories in the new era and make the steps of realizing the Chinese dream more resounding!


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